If you are looking for some inspirational things to do, here are some of the things we found that might help.
Things we love
New podcast -  Meditative Story Okay so this is new to me - its been around for a while however.... I've only listened to a couple of episodes but now I"m hooked
New recipes to try -  I am positively obsessed with The Minimalist baker full disclosure I mostly just stare and drool but this time I'm going to make something I dare you to do the same.
For self care/love and general renewal
Quick and easy 7 minute daily yoga - this has been a life saver for me.
Need something more? An upgrade to the daily practice ... a longer practice...to get you through the next month... .try journaling (I’m a big believer) the 21 Day abundance meditation Deepak Chopra can help you start or augment your journaling practice - if you would like a custom NB journal notebook just email us with your address... (available until stocks last)
Need a more robust pick me up during the day... Seek out your fav DJ’s on Instagram or social media or just search for DJs a lot of them are having Live stream jam sessions.
Better yet create your own happy our cocktail party using zoom, house party, Whatsapp or whatever you group’s flavor may be!
If you just want to say...dream about fashion - head to the website - we are offering 10% towards our Covid Fighters - we would like your participation in this. We can all do something so if you know any one - a charity, a friend near and dear who is working on Corona - let us know we want to partner with them and do our part together you and Us.


Tendai Tawonezvi
Tagged: UTANO